Wednesday, January 4, 2017

To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee

 I'm not sure how I missed reading this in school, but I did. I even missed the movie version or even the cliff notes, but there are only so many times as a writer you can read references to Atticus Finch and not get curious. 

I LOVED this book, and it was a complete, total, and utter joy to me that I didn't know anything about it before I read it, so I won't spoil it for anyone in that enviable position, but it was brilliant - one of those books that remind you why classics are classics, because they're so darn good! It was like Huck Finn and everything I've ever enjoyed about a John Grisham, rolled up into one great page-turning story. I stayed up late several nights because I couldn't put it down! 

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